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Writer's pictureKenzie Claire

What I learned in 2018 ...

As 2018 comes to a close I want to reflect on what I've learned from my experiences this year. I came into 2018 with the same baggage that I had in 2017 not feeling confident in myself as my depression and anxiety seemed to control my life. I felt super alone and was having trouble figuring out who I was and what I stand for and what types of people I wanted in my life. As the year went on I was able to over come the negativity that I brought into the year. This blog post is just me appreciating the major things that have happened to me this year.


I entered 2018 on such a low note, I was glad I was able to gain some friends that forced me out of the house and included me in their activities. I don't think they know how much I needed to spend time with them and hear their encouraging words but I appreciate every moment of it.


February was a pretty uneventful month, I was boo-less but my friend Madi was my valentine to make up for the red lobster date I was expecting before I got ghosted (yes I got ghosted but, that's a story for another time). So shout out to my forever boo Madi

My Valentine <3333


In march I got my first job! I was super excited about it and felt rich asf even though I make minimum wage lmao. This job lowkey is why I ate out so much this year but don't worry, I'm working on it... I also got my license I was ecstatic about this and I was whippin my moms minivan every where.


The family and I took a 14 hour road trip to Florida Agriculture & Mechanical University to visit my god brother (who I just consider as my big brother). As soon as I stepped on campus it felt like home. There were all types of beautiful chocolate (and some vanilla) people surrounding me and I have never felt anything like it. FAMU is currently my number one school and I'm anxiously awaiting another trip.


Yeahhhh so no major memories in this month but I'll plug a random cute pic


The first thing on my summer agenda was Teen Conference; an annual gathering the teens of my organization of Jack & Jill where we learn about leadership skills, volunteer and have some of the BEST parties ever. (I have a vlog of it on my YouTube channel @ Kenzie Claire;)) My organization is nationwide and each region has a regional mom bard, and a regional teen board that plan everything for the year. I had gone to two previous Teen Conferences before but this year I decided to run for a position on the board. I ran for Regional Teen Secretary against two other people. The whole experience was super exciting and nerve racking all in one. I was excited because I was forced to really put myself out there and was able to meet so many other people throughout our region and just have fun. I was nervous because I didn't fully believe in myself and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to win. Once I delivered my speech at our candidate forum I knew I killed it and my self confidence boosted; this was win I needed to set me back on track. Serving as my region’s teen \secretary has been so fun and I’ve been able to learn so much. I love my board so much and am so happy I’ve been able to gain true friends that are so supportive. (Special shout out to Lethan and Jackie for letting me bug y'all all the time)


I applied to a summer program called Black Girls Lead and was accepted as one of the 50 out of the 500 that applied. In late July I jetted of to NYC! Being a part of this program was so amazing. At first I asked myself “Why am I here?, I don’t belong” I was surrounded by literal BLACK GIRL MAGIC. The girls among me were activists, authors, influencers, cooks, athletes, and models and they were all my age or younger! Every day, we had an African dance class or a class in Capoeira (a sort of dance fighting that was first originated in Brazil) then we would listen to so many influential black men and women talk about everything from health and fitness to creating your brand and social media presence. We had so much fun participating in so many activities together and really built a whole sisterhood that will still remains to this day. Shout out to my 3a sisters especially Sade, Maxe and Nas who are lifelong friends and have helped me through so much though this year.

Side note: I also got my own car that I named Mari (its pronounced like "Mary" but it's spelled with an "i" cuz I'm extra) and have since stopped driving the minivan


In August I had my first Secretary duty where all the officers met up for a retreat to learn about our positions and get to know the teen board, mother board and venue where we will co-host our biggest event of the year. This was super fun for me and was the last weekend of summer for me before I started Junior year.

This me with the BEST treasurer, we match each others crazy <3


In September I went to the DMV and fell in love. Maryland was our first stop so I pulled out the Ravens jersey I stole from my god brother paired it with some camo pants and hit the streets looking like a whole tourist. The next day my family and I unofficially toured Howard University. I loved the feel and the location and it is definitely number two on my college list.



I didn't really do anything in October but I'm gonna plug another random cute pic of me below

sponser me @fruit loops


I turned 17 this year which is so crazy to me. For some reason, ever since I was little I never imagined my life pass 16 because everything I couldn't do because it was “too grown” I would be able to do at 16. But there is more to life to just turning 16 as I've learned though these two months . I have been challenged in dealing with relationships from the beginning of this tour around the sun but, I felt that I was able to handle the situations with grace and establish what type of person I want to be and what types of energies I want to around.


This month I got my first surgery. I had to get foot surgery for multiple different reasons but I'm glad I finally am correcting my foot. I'm currently still in a cast and recovering but don't feel bad, I have a scooter (yes, a scooter) to get me around.

Thank you to everyone who sent, prayer, messages and love my way <3

My future for ‘19

This year I have learned so much and have had so many experiences but I wanted to look back and highlight the major moments. I am hoping to learn much more this year and surround my life with positive people and positive energies as I continue to shape myself into a beautiful black queen I was born to be.

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